Infertility FAQs

There are many questions, myths, and realities to infertility and treatment options. Here are ten commonly asked questions to help you or your partner understand the facts and procedures involved within IVF and infertility treatments.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 10-15% of couples struggle with infertility problems. That’s approximately 70-80 million people across the world, so you’re not alone if you face these challenges.
While commonly asked by couples anticipating fertility services, the answer is a resounding “No”. In fact, infertility in women and men is nearly identical, attributed to females 1/3 of the time, males 1/3 of the time, and unidentifiable the last ⅓ of time.
Genetics can be a factor in determining fertility. There are many different conditions that can be passed from mother to daughter, such as endometriosis (which affects 10% of women). For males, DNA abnormalities of the Y chromosome can lead to problems with infertility.
Couples seeking fertility services often ask “Why are we infertile?”. At The Ark, we break it down to male and female infertility. Common female infertility is caused by anatomical abnormalities and problems with ovaries or egg quality. Male infertility includes issues related to quantity and quality of sperm production, immunological disorders, and anatomical issues.
There are several options, though your doctor will need to advise on what most increases your odds of success. Some people need more intervention than others. Some female patients have success conceiving with oral fertility hormones such as clomiphene citrate. Some will need injectable ones such as gonadotropin. The treatment of male infertility on the other hand, often requires IVF with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
Yes! This is one of the most popular in vitro fertilization (IVF) frequently asked questions. The success of treatment has a direct correlation with the woman’s age. The younger the better! Overall, 70-80% of women under the age of 40 should expect a successful outcome. If you’re over 40, treatments can still be effective. However, the average success rates decrease once beyond this point in life. Please note that treatment outcomes can vary widely from individual to individual.
The most important factor for a woman is her age. As her age increases, especially after 40, fecundity decreases and her chances of conceiving are diminished. Of course, if her partner also has infertility problems, such as a low sperm count, the probability of infertility also increases. For men considering infertility treatment, low sperm motility or other infertility can be avoided through ICSI, PGD/PGS, and more.

Another one of the in vitro fertilization (IVF) frequently asked questions is women’s health risks. Although the procedure itself is only very rarely dangerous, the drugs used to treat infertility can have side effects, and there is general anesthesia involved. Speak with your physician to understand how we mitigate any risks such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).

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Another one of the in vitro fertilization (IVF) frequently asked questions is women’s health risks. Although the procedure itself is only very rarely dangerous, the drugs used to treat infertility can have side effects, and there is general anesthesia involved. Speak with your physician to understand how we mitigate any risks such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).

Choose egg freezing as your fertility solution

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